Heal: The Way of Healing: Amino Acids and Nutrients



DSCF2018This post’s concepts are for inspiration at whatever level the reader is hopefully able to perceive at a different level of thinking than before. I’m smiling, happy and connecting with you as an individual, passing on exceptionally valuable information and experience.

The “La Vern” Page, introduces this concept of inspiration, which I have followed and sought through various studies and personal practices to “heal” various situations of my life at various times of my life. At 18 I was studying business and accounting at university, married, and had a full-time career working myself through university.  At about 20, different environmental elements in the workplace began affecting my lungs (smokers and the grain dust from the feed and grain mills where I worked in accounting), which of course affects one’s whole being and life. I was faced with struggling to learn to survive through all of these issues. And so the journey began into nutrients (food and vitamin supplementation) to augment what my body and system had a difficult time negotiating.

I entered an additional study on “health”, “healing”, “self-healing with right nutrients (foods and supplementation)  and maintaining joy throughout life. To maintain the inspiration, motivation and positive attitude necessary in all aspects of one’s life in order to overcome, triumph, and be successful on one’s own terms, and in one’s own terms. In other words, “self-mastery” and the “means” of such self-mastery.

The tools for “regeneration”, to “renew life”,  to obtain a new perception of the notion of a healthy life and the products and services offered to the average individual, especially the youth who are inexperienced in such things, except through how one is socialized at home and through one’s spiritual tradition or not.

The refinement of one’s perception and life is a process and a journey through which one must be open and willing to allow “foreign” concepts to be studied, and to wrap one’s brain around what a “health food store” is, and what “food supplementation or herb and vitamin supplementation” is. For me this began in 1967.

These concepts came to me because I saw a sign that said “health food” and “herbs and vitamins”.  I needed to get well, therefore, I was open and willing (later, I came to understand, when I studied astrology, that one’s nature is governed by how “flexible”one is and how “fixed” one is in various areas of one’s life). Fortunately I was and am flexible, therefore the journey began with a Western Tradition phrase from the Christian scriptures that I had remembered, “Beware the temptations of the world”, and “Ask, Seek, and knock”.

Through all of these years I have remembered how important those words of advice of “Proverbs”, have assisted me to study various spiritual traditions around the world to see what kinds of “proverbs” the various cultures have for their own people to follow for healthy, happy and prosperous lives. Therefore, I have come to understand that the spiritual traditions around the world were the “sciences of life” for a healthy, happy, and prosperous life in each particular location, through the various seasons of that location and through the seasons of one’s life, from youth through one’s elder years.

The Asian scriptures, be they Hindu, Buddhist, Hebrew, etc. are based on these fundamental notions and concepts. Each culture through the centuries as they learned the wisdom of being well and  living well, began with the oral traditions, then the printed traditions, all to assist in the “proper” socialization for each locality and through these growing and harvesting seasons.

Each of the ancient spiritual traditions’ mythos are based on these notions and concepts at the very basic level of living which became the basic individual cultural and spiritual “rules” to live by. It does not mean that every one in each culture agreed, they were guidelines, which if not followed, often cost one’s life at one level or another.

Another interesting Hebrew Old Testament scripture from Deuteronomy, “There is a time for everything under the Sun….(which is a reference to astrology)”, So it is, that each must contemplate the times, one’s individual situation (astrological charts), choices for one’s situation, and better answers, solutions, remedies, antidotes to assist one through behavioral and/or physical challenges, beyond what we have termed “professional psychologists, psychiatrists, and  physicians” and the “pharmaceuticals” they use.

Each of us has our own story of what has worked, what hasn’t worked, what we don’t realize is not the healthiest remedy, and we are all under a particular kind of seeming “protective” umbrella. Those who have superior behaviors and disciplines when it comes to foods, nutrients, and physical exercises, and pay for their costly insurances both private and Medicare health insurance, must still pay for those less diligent and for the extra necessary personal food supplementation of herbs and vitamins to stay out of the “side effects of sciences’ pharmaceuticals”, and the critical diagnosis of the personal physician and the many errors that they make, and the many lives lost because of those “professional” errors.

Therefore, under the terms of “Sacred Science of: herbs, vitamins, exercise, Chinese medicine, Hindu: Ayurveda, Astrology, Numerology, Metaphysics, Buddhist: Vegan, Hebrew, Muslim”, and so-forth, their is a commonality of “Sacred Life Sciences”, wherein our forefathers and foremothers, monks, priests, shamans, elders practice passing down to each new generation all that came before them, with the best of intentions and goodness for the locality and what that locality produced and what was not to be consumed.

What may work for one culture and locality may not work for another because of various factors such as dosage, understanding, patience, timing, and the willingness to take the time to research, explore and test for oneself. Refrigeration, freezing and preservation methods assist us even more in these modern times, but there were very effective preservation methods that each sector of the younger generation tries to maintain through their traditional teachings.

Right nutrients in well grown vegetables and herbs made into the form of very concentrated milligrams or micrograms of concentrated food supplements is highly useful for those desiring particular remedies and antidotes to get into greater balance. They are practical, useful, more convenient especially for  those who want to maintain a slim physique without the extra calories through their elder years. I have found that concentrated nutrients are a wonderful long-proven scientific antidote beyond one’s socialized understanding!!!!.

The inspiration comes in understanding that there truly are wonderful scientifically proven antidotes, remedies, and healing in the form of personal balance, overcoming particular symptoms and illnesses. The investment in information on “amino acids and various nutrients” will open a new world of understanding that is easy to understand. My life is  research, and my inspiration is to pass on to others this wonderful inspiration of hope. I research prices online and purchase online as a frugal part of my life-style, to obtain the best price possible and have them delivered to my home. I personally test for myself what works for me and why it works for me. This is what each of us must learn to do for ourselves.

Once a year when I visit my personal physician for a blood test, I’m asked why I’m never ill. It is not that I am never ill, it is that I have studied what it is that I need to eliminate any challenge that pops up. That’s my “Tao, Spiritual Physics of self-improvement, being my own personal shaman, healer, priest, minister”, which I utilize for transcendence and transformation of vitality and wholeness. This is my yoga and my Zen (the practice of simplicity in all things).

I hope I have inspired the reader to read to the end of this page, and to obtain the book with the most wonderful information. It can be bought through ebay from time-to-time at a discount. I study this book often, continuing to memorize the benefits and the reasons for supplementation of the foods I eat.

Recommended research: HEAL with AMINO ACIDS and Nutrients by Billie Jay Sahley, Ph.D. and Katherine M. Birkner, CRNA, Ph.D.

Heal With Amino Acids








The Joy of Japanese Portable Soaker Tub


You don’t have to be a snow monkey to engage in the joy of soaking in a pool of water to a temperature to your liking.

The ingenious portable Japanese soaker tub stays inflated at the top (inflated simply by mouth). The inserted legs that come with the soaker kit, that you will easily insert, stay inserted. There is a drain with an on-off spigot and another with a flip top lid on the bottom (on the model I have).

What is so ingenious about the portable version is that it can fit easy in any tub or shower and can be easily collapsed and stored in a closet. The Japanese have a tradition of washing the body before entering the stationary soaker because often many family members will use the same water to soak.

Once I have placed my soaker into the shower stall, I make sure that the spigot and drain in the portable tub are closed, then I begin simply filling the tub from the shower head with hot water first, then cool it down by turning hot water off and adding just enough cool water so that I do not burn myself upon entering the soaker while it is still filling to the desired depth. The volume of one’s body will fill the portable tub and the water to the desired depth of your choosing, it is not filled full, therefore there is a wonderful water conservancy factor by using this type of tub with high walls!!!

I first turn off the shower head, shampoo my hair, then pull back the flexible tub and rinse my hair with water from the shower head, which drains directly into the shower tub and not into the soaker tub. I make sure I have a chop stick available to wrap and fasten my clean hair up on top of my head while I am soaking.

The design of the high walls of the Japanese portable tub that is pictured above (can be purchased through Amazon), allows the water to stay very comfortably warm for a longer time than the usual elongated porcelain bath tub.  My whole process is from one hour to one and one-half hours for a wonderfully relaxing soaking experience.

No one in my household utilizes my tub, it is my private luxury. I soak in it (I am 5′ 4″ and sit cross legged, but can also move around to different positions due to the flexibility of the heavy plastic portable tub). I use my finger nails to exfoliate my face and body while soaking.

If I want to warm the water, I release some of the water from the spigot, then add more hot water, and continue to enjoy the fabulous experience.

If the shower stall gets too much water from hair rinsing, I simply stand up and hold two of the inserted legs from the outside, and lift the portable tub until the excess water in the shower stall has been eliminated through the shower drain.

When I have finished soaking, I open both of the portable tub drains and lift the portable tub by two of the leg bars so that the water will drain down the shower drain. Another method is to bring up a couple of plastic buckets and dispose of the water as you wish.  It is simple to step out of of the tub by holding on to the shower walls. Once the portable tub is empty enough, it can then be turned on its side or upside down to eliminate the remainder of the water.

Simply collapse the portable tub and store in a closet for the next use.





Hidden Treasures Inner Wealth


Grateful life


Love austerity

Aum peace

The good


The life

The sacred


Quiet archetypal form



Infinite variety and multiplicity


Essence, heart, nature, messages

Fire sacrifice

Full understanding

Self realization

Restricted speech

Reined monkey mind

Reined hunger

Aware consciousness

Self knowledge

Full of devotion

Surrendered in faith

Experiences the infinite

Non suffering

Non sorrow

Non judgment

Non attached

Quantum self peace.

Creative Consciousness Expansion and Greater Understanding


Consciousness expansion is transcending fear, and embracing the confidence to study subjects you are told are evil. The hidden subjects that are to be sought out individually provide the techniques for expanding, broadening one’s perception and understanding of those things that can only be seen from within.



The joy of daily practice and self-mastery makes one’s life more worthwhile.

The journey from the astrological Aries sign (identity) is to transcend one’s vices, turning one’s being toward one’s strengths through self-transcendence (transcending one’s fears).


One transforms one’s self and life by expanding and broadening one’s perception about one’s capacities and capabilities to master and have strength over self-defeating thoughts that hold one back from making small daily constructive changes that make one feel better about oneself and one’s life.




Creativity: The Joy of Release and Transformation

moving butterfliesThe inevitable release from elementary school, university, graduate school, one career to a new career, one relationship to another, or choosing no relationship, and retiring from career to enter retirement all have a particular commonality. That commonality is the building upon what one has already accomplished.

Certainly, particularly when one is at one of these particular stages of life, no matter, we are all like the “ninja cat”, we’ll get creative, hopefully!!!!


Our situation will create the need for considerable increase in persistence and tenacity within the situation we’ve placed ourselves!

The issue throughout our lives is the resistance to change that we all face.  We all may want release from a particular circumstance, but we don’t know what it is or how it is that we can accomplish what it is that we think we want. This is where ingenuity enters our lives.

We’ll start testing various approaches:


Not focused or concentrated on which outcome we want, and eyes, not wide open, we reach out, and whatever comes to us we might think that, that is the only possibility!

One thing for sure is that the inevitable transformations, still have great and many potentials that we may not be aware of. This is where it is important to stay open to many possible potentials ahead of us, continuing to reach and test, hopefully with eyes wide open!!!


Remember, what we are concentrating on is regeneration, adding upon our tools and skills of life to make our lives more interesting, fulfilling and meaningful!!!

We’re all observing the possibilities and potentials of the transitions we find ourselves engaged in.  As we are engaging in various activities and experiences, we’re testing our own perceptions about our potential and possibilities to transition to, testing our capacity for personal persistence and tenacity.


What we are all called to do during the transformation of a stage of life to another stage of life is to give it a new form. Therein will rest our new purpose and meaning, how is it that we will fit into a particular scenario, and do we really want to fit in to it!!!!

Certainly transformation entails considerable difficulty, whether it be studying a particular discipline of fitting in, to become better at what it is that one wants to embrace, or cutting back and being more practical in one’s life in order that one can get more out of one’s life than one is presently experiencing. Certainly one will have a tendency to follow one’s propensities.

ninja cat

We come to see within ourselves a sense of a particular joy in this difficulty in creating the need for considerable increase in persistence and tenacity in what it is that we are engaged with, that will ultimately be the tool of our personal and situational tansformaton.

Creativity: The Joy of Beauty and Transformation



This is a year of completion and the seeds of new beginnings. I’m a numerologist and 2016 can be calculated as 36/9, the numbers for both words, completes and endings.  We will all be completing various elements in our lives which will include relationship endings at various levels and various giving personal meanings. Within all endings are the seeds of new beginnings, regeneration and personal renewal. It is the release of an old way of life to enter a new way of being and seeing. Therefore, endings are releases that are not to be feared, for it is only through these releases, we call endings, that one can be released from one phase of life in order to enter the next new phase of being and a new life.

The butterfly reminds us of the cycle of creativity, the slow process of renewal and resurrection. It is within the Spring that we have a wonderful anticipation that April brings, the resurrection in the Northern climes of the cycle of the various new seasonal sprouting bulbs, plants and new spring clothing that give us that feeling of true newness and renewal.

Also what sprouts within is the desire for renewing our environs with new colors and textures which will express something wonderfully new within, telling us who it is that we are within!



The Japanese culture have a wonderful sense of seasonal and artistic expression within various aspects of their culture that honors this personal inner renewal both within the self and within their homes. They have the traditional obi which is pictured above which the Geisha of their culture will express through the obi they will wear depending on the season.

We can utilize the many obi available to express our appreciation of a different kind of artistic expression. I do this by hanging various obi on a Japanese shoji screen in various rooms of my home, switching them for the various seasons. I also place them over a door that remains open all the time, as a change of décor. I store the various obi not in use on protected hangers and simply put them neatly in a closet for other seasons, switching them through out the years.

In many traditional Japanese homes there is an alcove called a takonoma” specifically designed and built to express each season, wherein is placed a scroll (an obi can also be used like a scroll in places like this), some other artifact, and seasonal foliage or flowers as illustrated below:


Here you see displayed a cherry branch, with the beloved cherry blossoms of Spring for the setting in a room specifically, a ‘tatami’ room, with tatami covered floor (which is usually a wood plank floor). The sitting cushions you see are the traditional-style table seating. The beauty of this particular creativity is the serenity it brings to one’s essence and is wonderful for times of personal contemplation.


Grace, beauty, inspirational experience and living is what the universal consciousness and the omniscient creativity within all of our lives expresses in our own personal and various ways through all of the various cultures of the world.

In Asian culture and astrology each year is signified with the first new moon, this year was February 8, 2016, The Year of the Red or Fire Monkey.


This can be the red chimpanzee or any of the ape family. These animals are very creative and have a great deal of ingenuity. There are many very interesting documentaries available on both Netflix and You Tube that show how the infringing metropolis in many countries that have these animal populations (the monkey is considered sacred in some spiritual traditions and therefore some temples are dedicated to them).  Overtaking the habitat of these creatures forces them  to survive, by infiltrating the metropolis to steal food stuffs to survive the infringement of a spreading metropolis onto their own shrinking food supplies and seasonal changes.

So, what we all have in common is our need for survival, our individual ingenuity to survive and to be as happy as we can be within the world of various nationalities and species of this world.

The nations of the world are releasing old ways to embrace new ways in order to survive. This need for change is scary, but we all must put our hearts to rest, and to merge and flow with the slow, necessary changes our societies are engaging, so that we all can enjoy the essence of our individual lives, the lives of other cultures, and the beautiful essence of our plant, animal, and oceanic kingdoms.

Let’s journey together, utilizing our individual ingenuity to create our new kingdoms with the wonderful ideals of love, beauty, compassion and helpfulness toward others as each of us struggles through the requirements required of us to be as positively creative as we can through our transitions from one phase of life and living to another!

La Vern De Wilde
